Access all the functions of Elementor Pro with an official license but much cheaper

Create fully custom websites with all the features of Elementor Pro, including templates,  pro templates  and theme builder


1 Website with Elementor






5 Websites with Elementor




Licencia combinada






WP Rocket License





Compare the ESSENTIAL Plan sold by Elementor with our EXPERT Plan


Sold by Elementor with much fewer features





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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

As an agency, we buy license packages so that it costs us cheaper and so that you can benefit.

If you have looked at the website, you will have seen that there are different types of licenses, some include only 50 Pro Widgets, others do not offer Popups, forms or special functions for Woocommerce...

Our license is the highest, the Expert which includes ALL functions and widgets (all 107 widgets).

In addition to the template library, theme builder, display conditions for elements, dynamic labels, etc.

Once you have made your purchase, a person from our team will contact you (or you contact us) to activate your license(s) and to guide you if you have any questions.

Yes, in order to activate the license key on your website, it is necessary that we access the backoffice, although it is not necessary that you give us an administrator role, a Support role is enough.

We will explain everything to you when you finalize your purchase.

This is a user who can make modifications to the plugins (for example: activate your Elementor Pro license), but cannot create or delete other users.

Additionally, when creating a user with a support role you can indicate the time you want it to remain active; once that time has passed, the user will be automatically deleted.

With this type of user your installation will be completely protected.

Create a User Role It's very easy with the Support-Me plugin.

I invite you to read this article which explains how Support Me works.

It is understandable that you may have some distrust; accessing the backoffice of a website is something that not everyone should do.

Therefore, we make a screen recording of the entire process so that there is a record.

We only access your website to install the license... and nothing else.

Once the process is finished, you can delete the support user you created or wait for it to be automatically deleted.

Like you, we also rest at some point during the day, although we usually work during office hours.

If we receive your order within that time, we will assist you immediately.

Remember that our time zone is Spanish.

And if we are outside our hours, we will contact you as soon as possible.

You can also contact us through Whatsapp or from the contact form even after hours and we will do everything possible so that you do not have to wait.

No, prior registration on our website is not necessary, although when you complete the purchasing process, an account will be created automatically.

In your account, protected by username and password, you will find important information, your payment methods or the option to download the plugins you have contracted.

In order to activate your license, you need to have an up-to-date installation, as well as plugins and themes.

Your website must have hosting and a connected domain, we cannot install WordPress in test environments that are on your computer (type XAMPP), although we CAN do it in a Staging (or test) environment to later change it to its final space.

Each license is linked to a URL, so it is only valid for one simultaneous installation.

Although it is not mandatory, it is RECOMMENDABLE.

License activation is a very simple process that does not entail any risk.

Additionally, in the vast majority of cases, hosting companies create daily backups.

If you have more peace of mind, you can make your own backup using the “All in one WP migration” plugin and download it to your computer.

Just for purchasing any license on our website, we give you the Pro version of the plugin so you can restore that backup easily.

When you purchase any of our license packs, you are purchasing an annual subscription that renews automatically, that is: every year (on the same day and month) a charge will be issued automatically.

If for any reason the payment could not be made (for example: your card has expired), you would receive a notice and a retry attempt would be made to charge.

If this is not possible, we would deactivate your license and you would not be able to enjoy all of Elementor's Pro features.

Of course, at any time and without giving any kind of explanation, you can cancel it so that future payments are not renewed.

Of course, remember that if you cancel your subscription you will no longer have access to some web services that are reserved for active subscribers, such as FREE TEMPLATES FOR ELEMENTOR

From your user area you can download your invoices at any time.

If you cannot find them, you may not have provided all the necessary information during the registration process, contact us and we will help you.

It is possible that you have previously installed a version of Elementor Pro, that is not updated or that you have downloaded from somewhere of dubious origin.

When you purchase any of our products, you can download the .zip file of the original Elementor Pro plugin from your user area.

We ask you STRONGLY that you reinstall the plugin that we have provided and that comes directly from the developer (without patches or modifications).

It is the only way we can ensure that the installation has been done on good foundations.

If you do not have it installed yet, you just have to download the plugin (it is a .zip file) and from your backoffice in Plugins / Add new and clicking the "Upload plugin" button install it manually.

When we activate the original Elementor Pro license, it is connected to our multisite Pro account that allows us to use the advanced options.
Perhaps you have deactivated the license by mistake or you are simply working on a trial version in a web space other than the final one.
For those situations, we will reactivate your license for free up to two times, without counting the original activation. If you need a third reactivation of the license, you must make a payment worth $5,50.
You can review the terms of service on the Terms and Conditions page in the footer.

If you have installed some type of security plugin (such as Wordfence) configured to block access or functions to some types of Roles, we advise you to contact the developer to confirm that we can access your website with a support user and make the appropriate modifications.

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